Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spelling geniuses

Cymotrichous.  Yes this is a real word.  The word that won a 14 year old girl the scripps spelling bee that I happened to stumble upon this past week.  (It was on ESPN by the way which I sort of find ironic....I just wonder how many men were outraged)  All I know is I've never felt so dumb and believe me, I've had many moments in my life to feel dumb.  For example, I have mysteriously made ceiling fans fall out of the ceiling with just one whip of the bed sheet.  I realize that might sound a little scandalous but I promise I was just making the bed.  I have pulled entire guttering off of my house while trying to fix it on an 8 foot ladder (if you're wondering if I fell off the ladder you would be correct) Before my pioneer woman cookbook, I made cinnamon rolls and forgot to put the cinnamon in them.  SO, I think that describes how ridiculous I can be, however some how the scripps spelling bee topped them all.  There's just something about an 8 year old that can spell omphaloskepsis that is concerning to me.  Or maybe its the 10 year old that can spell a 45 letter word, I REPEAT 45 letter word, backwards that makes me feel like I should go back to college.  Either way I was still heartbroken every time one of these little geniuses missed their word and took the walk of shame back to sit with their parents.  Bottom line, I was in my 4th grade spelling bee and was thrilled when I got to the next round on the word "magazine" and "vegetable", need I say more.  

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