Friday, April 29, 2011

Sometimes ya just have those days!!!
This is the conversation I had with my husband yesterday, after numerous frustrating events that occurred over the last week and countless stressful situations.  All I have to say is "He's a trooper"!

Me, as my hubs is walking through the door: "I just want you to be fore warned that I have a bad attitude and I'm in a horrifically bad mood and I've already talked to God about it"
Him: "Why?" ( why are you in the bad mood, not why have you talked to God about it :)
Me: Just everything!
Him: Well, when are you going to be back?
Me: I really don't know.....
Him: OK then

Today is much better, and I'm back by the way!


  1. Ha, yeah, sounds like a smart man. :) Glad you're back!

  2. haha! thanks, Im sure he's glad Im back too
